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The Greenwich Spanish School was founded by Rosario Brooks, a native of Mexico who has lived in the United States and taught Spanish to children and adults in public and private schools for over 40 years. The pre-K bilingual Spanish program for 3-5 year-olds was co-founded with Gabriela Zorrilla, Mónica Calderón and Beatriz Ruiz.



Rosario J. Brooks

Rosario received her degree from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). She holds Early Childhood Administrative and Early Childhood Education certifications and is qualified to serve as a director and head teacher of early childhood educational programs.

"The Greenwich Spanish School is an ideal Spanish immersion program for English speaking children (three to five years); and is a wonderful addition to the early childhood education opportunities in the community. Although only in their second year, this small school has an outstanding child-teacher ratio and provides a fabulous experience for the children, who are gaining mastery of a second language when it is easiest to acquire one. The children are very comfortable in this early learning environment; and the expressions on their faces show they are happy, engaged and learning so much while there. 

The three fabulous teachers, two native speakers and a third who is fluent in Spanish, as well as the fluent director, provide a high-quality early learning language and cultural experience. To get an idea of what is available in this program, feel free to access their website:"

   -Cindy Raeza Bess, Ph. D., Early Childhood Education

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